Web Zen Garden
In Visual Studio Code, Terminal.
Create a virtual enveronment.
python -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual enveronment
Terminal PowerShell .\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 or Terminal Command prompt \.venv\Scripts\activate.bat
/* See instructions venv here */https://www.roelpeters.be/change-venv-for-python-in-vs-code/
/* Video Best Web Scraping Combo?? Use These In Your Projects by John Watson Rooney */https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpRsfpPuUzE&t=25s
Install httpx 7 selectolax
pip install httpx selectolax
URL to scrape:URL =https://www.thomann.de/gb/search_GF_electric_guitars.html?ls=10&pg=1&hl=BLOWOUT
Create scraper.py
import httpx from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict import csv @dataclass class Product: manufacturer: str title: str price: str def get_html(page): url = f"https://www.thomann.de/gb/search_GF_electric_guitars.html?ls=10&pg={page}&hl=BLOWOUT" resp = httpx.get(url) #html= HTLMParser(resp.text) # return html return HTMLParser(resp.text) def parse_products(html): products = html.css("div.product") results = [] for item in products: new_item = Product( manufacturer=item.css_first("span.title__manufacturer").text(), title=item.css_first("span.title__name").text(), price=item.css_first("div.product__price").text().strip() ) # print(asdict (new_item)) results.append(asdict (new_item)) return results def to_csv(res): with open("results.csv", "a") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=["manufacturer", "title", "price"]) writer.writerows(res) def main(): for x in range(1,4): html = get_html(x) print(html.css_first("title").text()) res = parse_products(html) #print(res) to_csv(res) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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